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Karma Theory

As taught by Spiritual Master Nalin Nirula 


1. To act, action, activity’, whether mental, emotional, physical, internal or external, and done whether in knowledge, ignorance or casually, by chance, accident or otherwise. 2. The sum total of the accumulation of results and responses being experienced, due to be so experienced, or being created as events and situations in time, originating from individual and collective action.


The accumulated Action-Reaction-Response balance of events and situations being experienced, due to be experienced, or being created collectively by a group of individuals with similar affiliations, or a particular community, or a country, or group of countries, originating from individual action contributing to the whole group collective balance of karma.


The condition whereby repeated cycles of rebirth are needed to experience the results of accumulated karma (the karma quotient). The syndrome presents itself with four conditions: birth, death, old age and disease. This is explored in detail in the article on reincarnation.


The sum total of balance of our karmic accumulations-the Good, Bad and Super. It also includes the totality of the three types of karma–fruiting, growing and that in seed form. Change your karma by working with the KQ Force.


The rapid acting spiritual energy that changes one’s karma to enable the individual to regain his spiritual consciousness and become free of the karma syndrome and its repeated cycles of birth and death. This special “KQ” Force empowerment was rediscovered by the Karma Changing and Healing Master Nalin K. Nirula, and he has now developed this further into a unique method of healing lives in every area of human endeavor.


Self-awareness, “I-consciousness”. The sentient or knowing quality within oneself, such as consciousness of one’s identity—of who one is. This individual consciousness has certain qualities and exhibits specific symptoms.


The accumulation of events and experiences due and activated by an individual’s decisions and actions in a particular situation through his life. The drawing upon of one’s Karma Quotient or KQ.

Karma definitions in Events and situations in Time:

1. …Currently fructifying – Being experienced at present, which arise out of past individual actions.

2. …Growing & Developing – To be experienced in future, arising out of past individual actions

3. …Seed karma – Being created in seed form in the present to grow, develop and be experienced in future.

3 Types of Karma action in quality and results:

1. “Karma” (Good karma): Positive benefit received, due and being created in material existence, where one receives success, pleasure, name and fame, wealth and so on. We can call this ‘good karma’. It positions us to remain in the material universe.

2. “Vikarma” (Bad karma): Negative results received, due and being created in material existence, where one receives pain,ill-health, disease, failure, lack of success, dissatisfaction. We can call this ‘bad karma’. This also positions us to remain in the material universe.

The karma and vikarma results are receivable in the material plane of existence such as we experience in our lives. Since the accumulated karma is necessarily so vast that it cannot be experienced in one limited lifetime, there is the need for a constant re-appearance or rebirth of the individual consciousness. 

Karma and Vikarma are actions that are ‘binding karma’, binding the individual conscious or soul entity to constant cycles of rebirth (reincarnation). As there is constant binding karma being created during the course of living—both out of conscious deliberation and inadvertently, this is considered virtually an ‘eternal’ situation requiring endless cycles of rebirth.

3. “Akarma” (Super karma): ‘not karma’, the most significant type of action or karma. This has no binding karmic consequences—in other words this is ‘spiritual’ or liberating karma. This spiritual akarma frees one from the cycle of reincarnation and rebirth and allows the spiritual consciousness (soul) to achieve its original unchanging position in the spiritual universe that has none of the temporary and transient qualities of the material universe. We can call this ‘super karma’. It places us in our natural non-materially bound plane of existence. This terminates material karmic consequences permanently.

The above article is from the teachings and resource centre of Spiritual Master Nalin Nirula. To learn more, please visit his website :

©2019 by Reiki with Aryaesh.

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